Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I went to a concert Sunday, July 29, 2012.  I apologize for blogging about it so late, I've been slacking in the blog sphere lately. 

The concert was a lot of fun.

We (guy D, who happens to be my boyfriend now.  I also deleted my account on the dating site) went to see Michael W. Smith and Jeremy Camp.  I have a couple pictures, but it's of Jeremy Camp.

We had really good seats at DTE Energy Music Theatre, they were right in front of the sound board.  It was really awesome being around other Christians and listening to great music at a concert about the love of God.  And not having to smell someone smoking marijuana, or drunk people dancing all over the place. 

We ended the night at a water fountain, sitting and talking.  It was a wonderful night. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Adding Another

Earlier this month, I came across a little girl in need of a sponsor.  Something about her touched my heart, I prayed about it and gave myself a deadline.  On the deadline I went to look for her, but she was gone.  So I thought she was sponsored. 

And then last Saturday, I received an email about her.  Asking if I was still interested in being her sponsor, and I said yes! 

Here is Arinda from Uganda.  She is so lovely.  I can't wait to learn more about her.  I have already sent her a letter via the online writing tool that Compassion International has available for sponsors.  

Friday, July 20, 2012

Overcoming Sadness

Today has been a very sad day for many in Aurora, Colorado.  A 24 year old man, James Egan Holmes, went to a midnight showing of the new Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises", and killed 12 and injured 59 people.

I've read many different articles about the shooting, they all have reports that are just unbelievable.  He bought a ticket to watch the show for a little while.  And then went out to his car to get his weapons, vest and helmet.  When he came back, he open-fired on so many people.  He also shot at little children.  How can someone fire on children?  

It is so sad, and it's so easy to say, "God, why did this happen?  Why did you allow this to happen?"

But the facts are, we live in a fallen world, and there are many people who do very bad things.  These things happen because people think we can live without God.  And it's not true.  That is the lie of the enemy.

We need God.  All the time.

Pray for the families and friends of the dead and wounded.  Pray for healing of their bodies and hearts, and pray for Holmes.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Few (Dating) Updates

Updates on the world of dating.  

Guy D is turning out to be... Pretty awesome.  I'll talk about that more in a bit.

I stopped talking to Guy B.  He's a nice guy and I really enjoyed talking to him.  But Guy B is the one who lived in another state.  And he really likes living there, and I really like living here.  So, had to end it.

Guy C really did turn out to be a scam artist, since my last post about him I haven't heard a thing from him.  And the profile I found disappeared after I confronted him about it.  I really don't understand why there are people who do that.  Well, I do, we live in a fallen world.

And now back to Guy D. 

Before I signed up, well actually earlier this year, or maybe it was last year.  I really should have written a date on my paper, but I made a list of things I would not compromise on.

For example:
  1.  Has to be a Christian 
  2.  Loves kids 
  3.  No smoking
  4.  No drinking
  5.  No drugs
There are more, but you get an idea.  I've went over the list and Guy D hits every single thing on my list.  It is stunning actually.

We've known each other for about a month, and I've seen him in person a few times.  He really is a nice guy, and I think about him a lot.  We talk a lot.  I rarely go on my account on the dating site.  I mainly go on it since I paid the money for it, but I don't browse, I haven't for awhile.

We shall see what happens next.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Camping, We Must Go!

I adore camping.

I really want to go. 

But first, I need to get a tent.  I don't have one.  (Or I could rent a cabin, but that would be expensive.)  The question is; can I put a tent together by myself while I have two screaming precious kids running watching me. 

That might be challenging.

I will need to think about this more.  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Welcome to the Detroit Zoo

On Monday (July 9, 2012) we ventured out to the Detroit Zoo. We saw lots of animals.

We rode on the train.  The kids love trains.  So they were very excited to see that the zoo had a train.  The only downfall was waiting for 20 minutes for the train.  And they were getting so restless by the time the train arrived, I was so happy when it finally pulled into the station.

We watched the 4-D Dora & Diego adventure, very fun!  It was so cool, they had scents to smell, they also had spraying water during some of the scenes, and the kids really liked the short movie.  We also went on the Mumble wild ride. 

My kids really enjoyed our time at the zoo.  

Friday, July 6, 2012

Sending Letters for July

Today the plan is to go to the post office and mail out my package of July letters. The bubble mailer I bought yesterday at the UPS store is way too big.  So I folded it in half and used the sticky strip to fasten it together, but I still need to get some packaging tape to really seal it down. 

I really need some tape! 

Picture of the letter:

I used the left side only so that the translator can write on the right side of the letter.  I know the ink is faded in some parts, this is just my copy of the letters (I keep copies in my binder), the actual letter in the mailer looks amazing. 

And here is a picture of some of the goodies I included in the package.  I printed out some coloring sheets and got a cute greeting card of a teddy bear and I colored the envelope. 

I am not an artist and my drawing abilities are limited to hearts, flowers, trees and smiley faces.  I might have made a sun.

And that is the package for my compassion children for July.  :)